No esperes más. Sumérgete en el mar, ve y deja que el mar sea tu
El mar es nuestra vida y lo tratamos con respeto. Con este pensamiento, hemos fundado el centro de buceo Zlatna Luka para mostrar a nuestros clientes las ubicaciones escondidas del mundo submarino en el mar Adriático. Este mundo está disponible para todos y te está esperando. ¡Ven y bucea con nosotros en las profundidades del Adriático!

Venci Lonić
CEO & Founder
I dived here on the 2th of September. Even though it was (kind of) end of season, I was lucky enough that there was still a group of people who wanted to dive. All the gear was already fixed and ready to go, so we only had to hop on the boat. My last dive was two years ago, so I needed some help here and there. Stefan and Vince were very kind, professional and helpful. We dived at Kornati Islands (whole day trip). The boat trip was back and forth around 1,5 hours. The trip was already amazing. I was deeply impressed by the surroundings, the clear blue waters and the beautiful islands. These kinds of moments make you a humble person. There is also a lot to see under water. I am not that great in naming all the flora and fauna, so if you were reading this review for that, I am sorry ;P. I would recommend this diving center and their amazing staff! Would definitely come back when I am close by!